How To Conquer Your Spring Renaissance

Hey everyone! Scott Asner here! Spring has officially sprung, and it is time for a mindset refresh as we head into summer. Keep reading to find out the best tips and tricks to stay motivated and create new positive habits to benefit your mental and physical well-being!

Spring Cleaning

Clutter around your space can accumulate during the winter months, which are usually full of holidays, office parties and lack of motivation to clean (most likely due to lack of vitamin D). Spring is an opportunity for a personal renaissance, and what better way to begin feeling renewed and refreshed than a clean space? Take some time out of your Sunday to finally get to those chores you have been ignoring all winter long and clean your spaces! Studies such as The Mental Benefits Of A Clean Home also show that a cleaner space is coherent with a healthier mental state.

Exercise outside

Spring brings us warmer weather, which usually means more motivation to exercise outside in the sun! Start the day off right with some movement in the sun outside. I personally like to go for a walk around my local neighborhood, then grab a cup of coffee before heading home.


Meditation is a great way to begin or end your day, according to Headspace. Studies show that just one hour a day will lower blood pressure, provide better sleep quality and improve mental clarity. Another benefit is improving your overall immune system while decreasing stress on your nervous system. It’s a great way to head into the busy summer months!

Meal Prepping

Done with the winter kitchen mess? Then try your hand at meal prepping. As summer looms around the corner and the weather gets warmer, you’re likely to get busier with in-person work meetings, outdoor social gatherings and travel. Just don’t skimp on proper nutrition. Cheap options like fast food are a bad option. Try taking a day out of your weekend to meal prep for the week so you have healthy and balanced meals for the days ahead. This will save time during the week and help you stay healthy for the summer!

That’s all for today folks! I hope this blog inspired you to get started on your spring renaissance! See you next time!

Scott Asner, Founding Principal of Eighteen Capital Group (18CG) in Kansas City, Missouri    

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