How To Conquer Your Spring Renaissance

Hey everyone! Scott Asner here! Spring has officially sprung, and it is time for a mindset refresh as we head into summer. Keep reading to find out the best tips and tricks to stay motivated and create new positive habits to benefit your mental and physical well-being!

Spring Cleaning

Clutter around your space can accumulate during the winter months, which are usually full of holidays, office parties and lack of motivation to clean (most likely due to lack of vitamin D). Spring is an opportunity for a personal renaissance, and what better way to begin feeling renewed and refreshed than a clean space? Take some time out of your Sunday to finally get to those chores you have been ignoring all winter long and clean your spaces! Studies such as The Mental Benefits Of A Clean Home also show that a cleaner space is coherent with a healthier mental state.

Exercise outside

Spring brings us warmer weather, which usually means more motivation to exercise outside in the sun! Start the day off right with some movement in the sun outside. I personally like to go for a walk around my local neighborhood, then grab a cup of coffee before heading home.


Meditation is a great way to begin or end your day, according to Headspace. Studies show that just one hour a day will lower blood pressure, provide better sleep quality and improve mental clarity. Another benefit is improving your overall immune system while decreasing stress on your nervous system. It’s a great way to head into the busy summer months!

Meal Prepping

Done with the winter kitchen mess? Then try your hand at meal prepping. As summer looms around the corner and the weather gets warmer, you’re likely to get busier with in-person work meetings, outdoor social gatherings and travel. Just don’t skimp on proper nutrition. Cheap options like fast food are a bad option. Try taking a day out of your weekend to meal prep for the week so you have healthy and balanced meals for the days ahead. This will save time during the week and help you stay healthy for the summer!

That’s all for today folks! I hope this blog inspired you to get started on your spring renaissance! See you next time!

Scott Asner, Founding Principal of Eighteen Capital Group (18CG) in Kansas City, Missouri    

Also follow Scott Asner on: Medium,, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and Xing

A Big Win: Kansas City Chiefs and their Super Bowl Victory 

Hi everyone! Scott Asner here! It sure is an exciting day to be a Chiefs fan! The Kansas City Chiefs took the field by storm on Feb. 11th and devastated their opponents with a 25-22 resounding Super Bowl victory. 

Overcoming Adversity 

From the onset of the season, the Chiefs faced formidable opponents and daunting challenges. However, their unwavering resolve, enduring fortitude, and shrewd tactics brought them to a huge win, reflecting the strategic genius by their head coach. 

Strategic Mastery and Tactical Artistry 

The Chiefs’ Super Bowl victory was a masterclass in football strategy. Just as a maestro conducts a symphony, head coach Andy Reid’s astute play-calling and strategy planning created a performance worthy of admiration. Quarterback Patrick Mahomes orchestrated the offence, showcasing the technical and tactical proficiency. 

Unyielding Defense and Composure  

The Chiefs’ defense demonstrated unwavering composure, repelling their opponents with tactical precision and grit. Their defensive unit harmonized flawlessly, thwarting the opposition’s advances at every turn. 

Resonating with the Fans 

The Chiefs’ Super Bowl victory reverberated through the Kingdom, uniting fans in unbridled jubilation. The deep connection between the team and their supporters was evident, as the huge crowd of supporters screamed for victory and then went wild when Kansas City scored the winning touchdown. 

The Legacy Continues 

As the confetti fell and the Lombardi Trophy was lifted high by exuberant team members, the Chiefs reaffirmed their status as perennial contenders. The team not only won a place in history books, but forever cemented their worth in the hearts of Kansas City’s die-hard fans. 

The Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl victory is a testament to their strategic brilliance, competitive mettle, and ability to pivot quickly and work successfully together as a team no matter the odds.  

That’s if for today folks! Hope you enjoyed reflecting on the Chief’s remarkable win. Check in next month for more stories about the great state of Kansas; Kansas City and the iconic Kansas City Chiefs. See you next time! 

~ Scott Asner, Founding Principal of Eighteen Capital Group (18CG) in Kansas City, Missouri     

Also follow Scott Asner on: Medium,, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and Xing 

A Glimpse into 2023 Real Estate Innovations 

Hey everyone! Scott Asner here! Today I want to discuss the fast-paced world of real estate and how 2024 is proving to be a year of technological breakthroughs that promise to redefine the industry. From streamlined transactions to immersive property experiences, let’s take a brief look at the cutting-edge technologies shaping the future of real estate. 

1. Blockchain Revolution 

Say goodbye to cumbersome paperwork and hello to secure, transparent transactions. Blockchain technology is infiltrating real estate transactions, providing an unalterable ledger that ensures trust and minimizes the risk of fraud. Smart contracts are streamlining the buying and selling process, making it more efficient and secure for all parties involved. 

2. AI-Powered Predictive Analytics 

Artificial Intelligence is taking center stage with predictive analytics, offering invaluable insights for both buyers and sellers. Machine learning algorithms sift through vast datasets, predicting market trends, property values, and investment opportunities. This data-driven approach empowers real estate professionals to make informed decisions tailored to individual needs and market dynamics. 

3. Virtual and Augmented Reality Property Tours 

Imagine touring a property without leaving your living room. In 2023, virtual and augmented reality are turning this dream into reality. Virtual reality headsets offer immersive property experiences, allowing potential buyers to explore homes in detail remotely. Augmented reality enhances physical property visits by overlaying relevant information, such as property history and amenities. 

4. 5G Connectivity Boosts Efficiency 

The advent of 5G technology is revolutionizing real estate operations. With lightning-fast connectivity, professionals can access real-time property data, facilitating quicker decision-making. Virtual meetings, collaborative efforts, and property tours are smoother than ever, fostering a more connected and efficient real estate ecosystem. 

5. Proptech Platforms for Seamless Operations 

Proptech platforms are becoming indispensable tools for real estate professionals in 2023. These all-in-one solutions integrate various technologies, such as AI and blockchain, to streamline property management, automate workflows, and enhance the overall customer experience. From marketing to transactions, proptech platforms are redefining the way real estate is conducted. 

That is all for today folks! I hope this article inspires you to research and dive deeper into these technological advancements of real estate. Embracing these innovations is not only a choice but a necessity for staying ahead in an industry that continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace. Welcome to the tech-forward era of real estate in 2024! 

~ Scott Asner, Founding Principal of Eighteen Capital Group (18CG) in Kansas City, Missouri     

Also follow Scott Asner on: Medium,, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and Xing 

Best New Restaurants in Kansas City

Hi everyone! Scott Asner here!  

Today I’ll be sharing some of the new vibrant culinary scene of Kansas City, where a delightful array of flavors and innovative dining experiences await avid food enthusiasts. From contemporary American fare to international delights, these establishments have captured the hearts (and taste buds) of locals and visitors alike. 

  1. The Roaming Fork: A Global Culinary Adventure 

              Location: 123 Main St.  

If you’re looking for an international cuisine, The Roaming Fork invites diners on a culinary journey around the world with its diverse menu influenced by global flavors. From Asian-inspired street food to Latin American delicacies, every dish is crafted with precision and passion. The modern, vibrant atmosphere adds to the overall experience, making it a must-visit for those seeking an adventurous dining experience. 

  1. KC Smokehouse: Where BBQ Tradition Meets Modern Innovation 

             Location: 456 BBQ Blvd. 

Kansas City is renowned for its barbecue, and KC Smokehouse proudly carries on that tradition with a modern twist. Blending classic smoked meats with innovative flavor profiles, this restaurant has quickly become a hotspot for barbecue enthusiasts. The warm and rustic ambiance provides the perfect setting for indulging in mouthwatering dishes that celebrate the city’s rich barbecue heritage. 

  1. Urban Harvest: Farm-to-Table Excellence 

             Location: 789 Market Ave. 

Have a craving for something healthy and locally sourced? Urban Harvest stands out as a beacon of farm-to-table excellence. This restaurant is committed to supporting local farmers and producers, ensuring that each dish is a celebration of the region’s seasonal bounty. The menu evolves with the changing seasons, promising a unique and sustainable dining experience with every visit. 

  1. Spice Symphony: A Symphony of Flavors from the East 

             Location: 234 Spice St. 

If you’re looking for something more adventurous, Spice Symphony takes Kansas City’s taste buds on an enchanting journey through the flavors of the East. Specializing in authentic Asian cuisine, this restaurant seamlessly blends traditional techniques with a modern approach. From sushi to curry, each dish is a harmonious mix of spices and textures, creating an unforgettable dining experience in a chic and contemporary setting. 

  1. Craft & Vine: Elevating the Art of Craft Cocktails and Cuisine 

            Location: 567 Craft Lane 

Date night approaching? Craft & Vine offers a sophisticated dining experience that combines artisanal cocktails with meticulously crafted cuisine. The restaurant’s commitment to using high-quality, locally sourced ingredients is evident in every dish, while the expertly curated cocktail menu complements the culinary offerings. The ambiance is upscale yet inviting, making it an ideal choice for a special night out. 

That’s all for today folks! Kansas City’s culinary landscape is evolving, and these new restaurants are at the forefront of the city’s gastronomic renaissance. Whether you’re a local looking to explore fresh dining options or a visitor eager to savor the flavors of the city, these establishments promise a culinary adventure that reflects the diversity and innovation that define Kansas City’s food scene. 

~ Scott Asner, Founding Principal of Eighteen Capital Group (18CG) in Kansas City, Missouri     

Also follow Scott Asner on: Medium,, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and Xing 

10 Tips for Effective Time Management  

Hey everyone, Scott Asner here!  

Time management is a crucial skill that can significantly impact your personal and professional life. When you effectively manage your time, you can increase productivity and achieve your goals more efficiently.  

Today, I wanted to share my top 10 tips for effective time management. 

1. Set Clear Goals 

The first step in effective time management is to establish clear and, most importantly, achievable goals. Define what you want to accomplish, both in the short term and the long term. Having specific objectives in mind will help you prioritize tasks and allocate your time efficiently. You can use the SMART acronym to make sure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.  

2. Prioritize Tasks 

I like to use methods, like the Eisenhower Matrix, to categorize  tasks into four quadrants: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important. Focus on the tasks that fall into the urgent and important category first to maximize your productivity and reduce stress. 

3.  Create a To Do List 

A to-do list is a simple yet key tool for time management. Write down all the tasks you need to complete and organize them by priority. As you finish each task, mark it off the list. This not only keeps you on track but also provides a sense of accomplishment. 

4. Time Blocking  

Time blocking is a method where you can allocate specific time slots to different tasks or activities. Create a daily or weekly schedule that designates periods for focused work, meetings, breaks, and personal time. Stick to your schedule as closely as possible to avoid distractions and procrastination. 

5. Limit Distractions  

This one is a tough one for me, but it is the most significant as well. Identify common distractions in your work environment and take steps to minimize them. Turn off notifications on your devices, close unnecessary browser tabs, and communicate your need for focus to colleagues or family members when necessary.  

6. Learn To Say No  

One of the most challenging aspects of time management is learning to say no to tasks, projects, or commitments that don’t align with your goals or priorities. Keep yourself as the priority! 

7. Delegate and Outscore 

This is a big one for those at the office! Don’t be afraid to delegate tasks that others can handle. Whether at work or in your personal life, delegating responsibilities can free up valuable time for more important activities. Consider outsourcing tasks that require specialized skills or expertise. This can also help you relax and take some tasks out of your mind. 

8. Take Regular Breaks 

Taking breaks may seem counterintuitive to time management, but they are essential for maintaining focus and productivity. Short, regular breaks can help recharge your energy and prevent burnout. Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working in focused intervals with short breaks in between. 

9. Learn to Manage Stress 

Stress can be a significant barrier to effective time management. Practice stress-reduction techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, or exercise to keep stress levels in check. When you’re less stressed, you’re better equipped to make rational decisions about how to use your time. 

10. Review and Adjust 

Regularly evaluate your time management strategies and make adjustments as needed. Reflect on what’s working well and what isn’t. Are you meeting your goals and deadlines? If not, consider trying different techniques or seeking guidance from time management experts. 

I hope you learned some new tips for effective time management and will implement them into your daily life!  

~ Scott Asner, Founding Principal of Eighteen Capital Group (18CG) in Kansas City, Missouri      

Also follow Scott Asner on: Medium,, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and Xing  

5 Benefits of Practicing Mindfulness in Daily Life 

Hey everyone, Scott Asner here!  

Today, I want to highlight the benefits of practicing mindfulness in daily life. We often find ourselves multitasking, thinking about the past or worrying about the future, and rarely taking a moment to fully experience the present moment. Mindfulness is a simple practice that can help us bring our attention to the here and now. Whether you’re focusing on your breathing, meditating, walking, or just paying attention to the world around you, the benefits of practicing any kind of mindfulness at least once a day, definitely has its benefits.  

1. Reduce Stress 

One of the most important benefits of mindfulness is its ability to reduce stress. When we practice mindfulness through meditation or deep breathing, we focus our attention on the present, letting go of worries about the future and regrets about the past. This can help lower the production of stress hormones, leading to a greater sense of peace. 

2. Improve Mental Health  

Mindfulness can also improve our ability to regulate our emotions. When exercise mindfulness, like journaling and reflecting on your present moment, we can become more aware of our emotional responses and can choose how to respond to them. Mindfulness also helps us be at peace with ourselves and our environment by giving us a feeling of gratitude and control. This can lead to greater emotional stability and a reduced likelihood of reacting impulsively in stressful situations!  

4.  Increase Focus and Concentration  

In this digital age, our attention spans are constantly being pulled in various directions. Mindfulness can help us sharpen our focus and concentration by training our minds to stay on task and resist distractions. This can lead to better mental strength and overall mental health as well, ultimately helping us in workplaces, school and daily life in general. 

5. Improve Relationships 

Mindfulness can have a positive impact on our relationships with others. It allows us to become better listeners and are more present when interacting with loved ones, which strengthens our key relationships and allows us to feel better support from those around us. It also allows those around us to feel more support and heard from us.

That’s all for today folks! I hope this article inspired you to tap into your own mental health and start practicing mindfulness in your daily life! See you next time! 

~ Scott Asner, Founding Principal of Eighteen Capital Group (18CG) in Kansas City, Missouri     

Also follow Scott Asner on: Medium,, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and Xing 

How To Overcome Procrastination and Boost Productivity 

Hi everyone! Scott Asner here! Today I will be giving some tips on procrastination and how to boost your productivity. Procrastination, the art of delaying tasks, is a struggle that we all face in pursuit of productivity. Whether it’s putting off work tasks, household chores, or personal goals, like the gym for example, procrastination can be a challenge when achieving success. However, with the right strategies and mindset shifts, it is possible to overcome procrastination and unlock your full potential. 

Understand the Psychology Behind Procrastination 

Before delving into strategies to overcome procrastination, it’s important to understand why you are putting things off. Procrastination often arises from a combination of perfectionism, fear, and lack of motivation in managing time effectively. Recognizing these factors can help you tackle procrastination at its roots. It’s important to know that not everything needs to be perfect, or done all at once. What matters is taking the first step towards completing your task.  

Break Tasks into Smaller Steps 

One big reason for procrastination is the feeling of being overwhelmed by the size of a task. Try breaking down large tasks into smaller, manageable steps. Each smaller step will feel more achievable, and as you complete them one by one, you’ll build a sense of accomplishment that can motivate you to keep going. 

Set Clear and Realistic Goals 

This is a key step to become more productive: setting clear and realistic goals. Overly ambitious goals can lead to uncertainty and demotivation. Try and structure your goals by making them specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound, or SMART. This framework will give you a roadmap to follow, making it easier to focus on tasks without feeling overwhelmed. 

Create a Structured Routine 

By establishing a structured daily routine, you can combat procrastination by creating a sense of order and predictability. Allocate specific time blocks for different tasks and stick to this routine as much as possible. This approach not only ensures that important tasks are completed but also minimizes the temptation to procrastinate since you’ve already dedicated time for each activity. 

That’s all for today folks! I hope these tips helped you get out of your procrastination funk and get on to being more productive!  

~ Scott Asner, Founding Principal of Eighteen Capital Group (18CG) in Kansas City, Missouri     

Also follow Scott Asner on: Medium,, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and Xing 

A Beginner’s Guide To Healthy Eating Habits

Hi everyone! Scott Asner here! Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an achievable goal, and it all starts with the food choices you make. A well-balanced diet can do wonders for your overall well-being, energy levels, and even your mood. If you’re new to the world of healthy eating, here’s a beginner’s guide to help you get started on the path to nourishing your body and feeling your best self!  

1. Embrace Whole Foods 

Whole organic foods are foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. These include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and nuts. These foods are packed with essential nutrients that your body needs to function optimally. You can even grow them yourself at home by creating a garden to have fresh produce for a low cost! 

2. Prioritize Nutrient Variety 

Eating a variety of nutrient-rich foods ensures that you’re getting a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. Make sure to include foods from all food groups to ensure a balanced diet. 

 4. Stay Hydrated 

Water is essential for digestion, circulation, and overall health. If you want to feel your best and eat a healthy diet, water is the key!  Aim to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Herbal teas and infused water can also be great alternatives if you want to have some variety in your beverages. 

 6. Include Lean Proteins 

Proteins are the building blocks of the body. They help muscle development, immune function, and more! Some great recommendations for lean protein sources are chicken, turkey, fish, beans, lentils, tofu, and Greek yogurt. 

7. Don’t Skip Breakfast 

This can be a tough one for those rushing out the door barely with a coffee in hand, but it is very important! Starting your day with a nutritious breakfast can set the tone for healthy eating throughout the day. Choose options like whole-grain oatmeal, yogurt with fruits and nuts, or whole-grain toast with avocado. 

That will be all for today! Hopefully these easy habits have propelled you to take charge of  better and healthier eating habits! See you next time! 

~ Scott Asner, Founding Principal of Eighteen Capital Group (18CG) in Kansas City, Missouri     

Also follow Scott Asner on: Medium,, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and Xing 

4 Ways To Uplift Your Community 

Hey everyone! Scott Asner here! Between work, school, and keeping up with friends and family, it’s no secret that life gets busy. No matter how much free time you have, you should set some aside to help your community. We all have the power to strengthen our communities and do some good for others. Keep reading to find out how you can help your local community grow and flourish. 

  1. Give Back to Students and Teachers 

School can be the center of a community, so a good way to give back and uplift would be to get involved in benefiting the lives of students! A good way to get involved would be tutoring a subject you know and passing along your knowledge to kids who may be struggling in school. You can also help by donating classroom supplies like markers to teachers or school supplies like backpacks to students. The future is bright for students across the country and this is a great way help them get ahead and set them up for success. 

  1. Support Local Businesses 

Local businesses are the heartbeat of any community, so shopping for clothes from the corner boutique down the street or buying food from local farmers markets are great ways to lift up your neighbors. These small businesses may not have a lot of man-power, so promoting their work on social media, buying from their business, and getting the rest of your community involved will make a huge difference.  

  1. Volunteer at Home 

Helping your community can begin at home! Adopting or fostering a dog or cat from a shelter can really help reduce stress on shelters, as well as giving an animal a chance at a better life. You can also encourage your kids to become pen pals with a senior in your community or host charity events such as lemonade stands or bake standards to raise money for good causes.  

  1. Show support for sustainability! 

Help your community grow by connecting everyone with one cause!, like sustainability, a very important issue and something everyone can practice. can help you to find volunteering opportunities in the sustainability and environmental wellness area. 

That’s all for today folks! I hope you found some inspiration to get involved and uplift your community! 

~ Scott Asner, Founding Principal of Eighteen Capital Group (18CG) in Kansas City, Missouri     

Also follow Scott Asner on: Medium,, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and Xing 

Best Coffee Shops in Kansas City 

Hey guys, Scott Asner here! Today I will be sharing my favorite coffee spots in Kansas City! 

Coffee is a social conversation starter essential, an icebreaker for any networking agenda and a great way to spend time with family and friends. So keep reading to find out where to grab a great pick-me-up in Kansas City. 

Second Best Coffee 

For espresso fans, Second Best Coffee is the best way to go. Not only do they use a Slayer Espresso Machine, they also source their beans globally and roast them locally. For any vegans out there (or anyone who likes alternative milks), Second Best’s amazing, perfectly roasted coffee beans blend beautifully with their own homemade almond milk.  

Messenger Coffee Co. 

Like your coffee with a view? Messenger Coffee is a perfect blend of great coffee, great conversation, and great views. The Crossroads building that houses the shop has rooftop seating with stunning views of downtown Kansas City. You can even tour the Messenger Coffee Co. coffee lab as well as the roastery. 

HITIDES Coffee  

Looking for a perfect snack to compliment your coffee date? HITIDES Coffee offers an array of sweets and pastries to combine with your cappuccino. Inspired by the tropics, the warm interiors welcome you to drink your coffee and enjoy decadent sweets with Donutology doughnuts in a Hawaiian ambiance.  

I hope that this blog helped you choose where your next cup of coffee will come from! Thanks for reading, see you all soon! 

~ Scott Asner, Founding Principal of Eighteen Capital Group (18CG) in Kansas City, Missouri   

Also follow Scott Asner on: Medium,, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and Xing